Ulme-mini-verlag has published two new pocket books with additional CD-ROM. One in the edu-/infotainment section with the title "Zerstöre niemals ein Vogelnest" (Never Destroy a Birdnest). It contains bilingual poems (German/Dari) of the Afghan poet Ahmad Zia Hadi: http://www.ulme-mini-verlag.de/bookshop/edutainment.html.

The other book has academic content and focuses on the topic "Music between Virtuality and Materiality".
Five articles written by Klaus Martius, James Isabirye and Martina Claus-Bachmann try to approach the topic from different angles, from the perspective of conservational work in museums, from the subculture Steampunk, from the music instrument tube fiddle in Uganda, from music in Afghanistan and experiments to create eLearning environment for the Indonesian Gamelan in the virtuality: http://www.ulme-mini-verlag.de/bookshop/akademische_medienkombinationen.html.