
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

EthnoMusicScape neu!

Dear members, friends and interested persons, the eLearning web-basis of our study group has got a new shape/scape and provides some useful webgadgets for the daily work, like translating, library-search and music search functions. The general presentation as a mindmap structure has been retained, although the common sense to create pages seems to angle off, using a horizontal and a vertical frame and a linear structure opposite to all educational research results of challenging the brain with non-linear structures like mindmaps to appeal both brain parts, the left and the right one in a balanced way. This idea is suitable to the internet structure in general, because a complex network is never linear... but that does not mean, that it is chaotic, it is only not linear...there is a difference and at last: the chaos produces creativity - isn't it?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hello dear members and guests, welcome to the Blog of the study group MUsicREsearch and eLearning (MUREL). Welcome U.U.P. and James! I have installed a time zone panel for your orientation and the chat software Google-Talk; if you install that on your home computer and additional a Google-email-account (free!), we can meet online for a chat! Please use the Blog for entrances and informations for the other members (also only available for people with Googlemail-account)! I hope after a time everybody will have found the way to this blog-site...Please use English cause our group is international...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hallo MURELs!

… das ist ja mal ein niedliches Akronym! Man merkt, dass hier sich deutsche Akronymisierungsperfektion mit indonesischer Akronymisierungsmystik trifft.